Summer Roads Farm
1922 Selwyn Rd.
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: variety of staple veggies available at our farm store
Meat: Our animals work through our silvopasture intensive rational grazing system.
We have grass fed lamb and pastured chickens available
Eggs: Farm fresh eggs available seasonally at the farm stand
Cut flowers: A wide variety of locally grown cut flowers in mixed bouquets
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Seasonal community markets check our social media for announcements
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Located at 1922 Selwyn Rd., Lakefield, ON
Seasonally open so check our social media and website for farm stand hours.
Local stores: Reclaimed Garden Co in Youngs Point, Belleview Market and Events
Pre-order directly from the farm: Send us an email at summerroadsfarm@gmail.com if you are interested in ordering directly from the farm
CSA : Info and sign up can be found at our website: