Products of this Farm
Meat: Pasture raised, organically fed chicken (wholes, halves, all pieces)
Pasture raised, heritage pork (packages and individual cuts)
Grass-fed and finished lamb (halves and individual cuts)
Eggs: Eggs from free-range, pasture raised, organically fed hens
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Farm tours
Educational experiences
Shopping Options
Local stores: Aird Family Farm - Baltimore, Happenstance Bakery, Port Hope
Pre-order directly from the farm: Order from our online store at www.localline.ca/evermeadow and pickup from our farm. Deliveries to Peterborough are possible for larger orders.
Marketing group or Virtual market: Cobourg REKO Network (Wednesday evenings from 5:45pm to 6:30pm)
Bowmanville REKO Network (Thursday evenings from 5:45pm to 6:30pm)